Art workshops — 4 Min Reading
Art Workshop at the Senior Citizens’ Social Club in Katy Wroclawskie, Poland
Art workshops — 4 Min Reading
Art Workshop at the Senior Citizens’ Social Club in Katy Wroclawskie, Poland

Recently, we visited our beloved Poland. During our trip, on Monday, July 24, we had the opportunity to organize an art workshop at the Senior Citizens’ Social Club in Katy Wroclawskie (“Powiatowy Klub Seniora w Katach Wroclawskich”).
All the wonderful ladies who participated in our workshop painted their favorite childhood characters using only their mouths.
And what about Krzysztof? Which character did he paint? That’s right! The Tin Man from the famous The Wizard of Oz.
And you? Who would you paint? Share your ideas with us in the comments at the bottom of the page!
Once again, we would like to thank the Club Management for the invitation and everyone who participated in the workshop. It has been a magical experience, allowing us to return – if only in our thoughts and through the brush – to our childhood days. Thank you so much!
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